Season 1 Complete HD

Heralded as "the best content I've ever created," these are the first episodes that I've ever created for the highly-acclaimed YouTube channel TechLead.

Get the first 3 episodes, FREE.

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"What is Season 1?"

I'm glad you asked.

The best content on a career in tech. Period.

Career information that is so valuable it had to be removed from public sites like YouTube. I can only provide you these videos privately with proper disclaimers.

An epic journey into Ex-Google.

Join my journey as I become the Ex-Google Tech Lead, quitting my six-figure job at Google.

Insider tips on landing a job in coding.

For anyone learning to code or be a programmer, this is your insider look at life at a large tech company. Is it all you dreamed?

The fast-track to success.

Good information will fast-track you, saving years.  Access valuable career tips that will save you thousands of dollars, worth their weight in gold.


Just because I'm such a great guy, I'm giving you the first 3 episodes free.

  • ▷"A day in the life of a YouTube software engineer"
  • ▷"What programming languages to learn."
  • ▷"Passing the technical interview."

It's free.

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