[Â JANUARYÂ 2024 ] -Â Additional new problems for trees, recursion, and dynamic programming.
Learn to ace the coding interviews with industry pro ex-Google, ex-Facebook staff software engineer TechLead.
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A collection of 100+ video explanations of popular coding interview problems from top tech companies. Each video is taught by ex-Google, ex-Facebook staff software engineer TechLead. We cover coding, data structures, algorithms, and time-space complexity, providing complete "Big O" analysis of problems and solutions.
Learn exactly how to solve coding tests, how to provide alternative solutions, and analyze time-space complexity. And how to land that job offer. I struggled through the interview process, so that you don't have to.
Don't let a whiteboard stand between you and your dream job.
JOIN NOWWatch exactly how a pro would answer popular interview questions. Videos are well-edited to be thorough yet concise (10 min average length).
Master time-space "Big O" complexity. See exactly how to properly analyze solutions & tradeoffs.
A good teacher makes all the difference, whereas a poor teacher will only confuse you with long-winded explanations. TechLead has conducted over 100+ technical interviews across Google and Facebook.
We're continuously adding more video explanations. Gain access to all future content!
CoderPro includes problems on:
Gain confidence, skill, and knowledge that will last throughout your career.
"Valid Binary Search Tree" (all sample code is included!)
TechLead is an ex-Google/ex-Facebook Tech Lead, app entrepreneur, digital nomad, Silicon Valley native, and senior software engineer. He's held roles in full-stack web development and mobile engineering. He has conducted over 100 interviews at Google, and has worked in the tech industry for over a decade from startups to Fortune 500 companies.
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